According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 11.8 million people aged 16 and older drove under the influence of illicit drugs in 2016. This survey also found that men and young adults aged 18 to 25 are more likely than women to drive when under the influence. After alcohol, marijuana is the most common drug found in the blood of drivers involved in crashes. Studies have shown that drivers with THC in their blood were roughly twice as likely to be responsible for a deadly crash or killed than drivers who hadn’t used drugs or alcohol.
Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive drugs of abuse test menu across multiple forensic matrices including whole blood, urine and oral fluid. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to the ever-changing market influences and develop assays with optimum target compounds and excellent specificities for current and novel drug trends.

As the need for vital drug screening continues to increase, Randox Toxicology are leading the way in toxicology screening. Capable of detecting 21 classical, prescription and synthetic drugs from a single sample, our fully automated Evidence MultiSTAT analyser utilises our Biochip Array Technology to deliver reliable and accurate results in under 20 minutes.

For more information about our products for driving under the influence screening, email info@randoxtoxicology.com or visit www.randoxtoxicology.com. If you are attending ICAP DAID, August 10-12 in Anaheim, California make sure you visit our booth!