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  • mental health

    Soaring Drug Related Mental Health Problems

    NHS figures have revealed that the number of people in England being taken into hospital for serious mental health problems have soared due to taking drugs. The number has doubled in a…
  • elisa

    The most comprehensive ELISAs for routine drugs of abuse testing

    ELISA screening methods are increasingly popular within the forensic toxicology industry due to the ease of use, potential automation and their ability to use different matrices including urine, blood and oral fluid. Randox…
  • herion

    Spain’s War with Heroin

    Neighbourhoods across Spain recently came together to form the National Network of Cities and Neighbourhoods affected by Narcopisos, which are abandoned buildings used as drug flats. The Guardian reported how the organisation aims to…
  • Meet us at Menatox

    In 2017 it was reported that drug addiction in Oman was on the rise, with drug addicts in the country more than tripling from 2,000 to 6,500 in 6 years. However, due…
  • Visit us at the 14th World Congress on Toxicology and Pharmacology

    Singapore’s Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) listed five new psychoactive substances(NPS) including U-47700 to the Class A controlled drugs list in 2017. It is therefore now an offence to traffic, import, export, manufacture or consume these…
  • meth

    Egypt’s Drug Problem Continues

    Officials are currently struggling to control the growing drug problem in Egypt with a drug rate now reaching 10% (9.6 million people) according to the country’s Minister of Social Solidarity, Ghada Wali.…
  • March 2nd Forensics Europe Expo

    Visit us at Forensics Europe Expo

    BBC News released data today from 40 police forces in England and Wales, revealing that almost 25,000 motorists tested positive for drug driving over a three year period. The statistics documented that between…
  • cannabis

    China’s War on Drugs

    The National Narcotics Control Commission in China have reported that by the end of 2016, there was an estimated 2.5 million drugs users in the country. 1.5 million of which are described…
  • Alprazolam

    Alprazolam and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Alprazolam, also known as the trade name Xanax, is a widely prescribed anxiety drug in the US. Alprazolam is a minor tranquilliser which can cause sedation, short term memory loss and depress the nervous…
  • Biochip Vs ELISA: Discover which method is right for you!

    The global drug market is growing at a rapid rate with multiple drugs emerging incessantly. The advancement of biochip technology has enabled Randox Toxicology to create pioneering developments to stay ahead of this ever changing market.…

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